Privacy Policy

At AtomVPN, we prioritize your privacy and are dedicated to protecting your personal information. This privacy policy outlines our data collection practices and provides information about the third-party libraries and protocols used in our app.

Data Collection

When You Use Our Service:

AtomVPN does not require you to create an account or provide a username and password. We do not collect or store personal data. The only information we collect is your device ID and your public IP address, which helps us manage application performance and ensure a smooth connection with the VPN server.

When You Use Our Service:

AtomVPN does not require you to create an account or provide a username and password. We do not collect or store personal data. The only information we collect is your device ID and your public IP address, which helps us manage application performance and ensure a smooth connection with the VPN server.

Protocols and Third-Party Libraries:

Our app utilizes third-party libraries and protocols to provide VPN services:

When You Are Actively Connected to a Server:

During an active connection, we do not collect or store data related to your online activities. We use your device ID solely for internal purposes to enhance our service.

When You Leave:

As we do not require user accounts or store personal information, there are no additional data retention practices related to user accounts or activities.

User Data Requests:

Since we do not collect personal data or store user-specific information, there is no substantial data available for user data requests.

Changes to Policy:

We aim to maintain a consistent privacy policy. In the event of significant changes, users will be notified via their registered email addresses or through in-app notifications.

Your privacy is our top priority at AtomVPN, and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data protection.

For any questions or assistance, please contact us at [email protected].